8th grade French Immersion
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8eme Immersion French 2
Week of February 23-24
Thursday Feb 23
Bell activity
Les Européens en terre d'Acadie: Reading and explanation
Oral comprehension
Written activity
Friday Feb 24
Les premier habitants: Reading and explanation
Oral discussion
Written comprehension activity.
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of February 6-10
Monday Feb 6.
Bell ringer
Review of Imparfait
Presentation of imparfait and passé composé
Practice activities.
Tuesday Feb 7
Bell ringer
Review of passe compose and imparfait
Oral and written practice activities
Wednesday Feb 8
DCA mid-test
Thursday Feb 9
Bell activity
Chapter 6 part1 vocabulary and grammar review.
Practice with Kahoot!
Friday Feb 10
Chapter6 part1 vocabulary and grammar tests.
Vocabulary puzzle
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week January 30 -February 3
Monday Jan 30
Bell ringer
New chapter objectives presentation.
Televocab video
Childhood memories vocabulary presentation.
D'autres mots utiles
Students take notes.
Speaking activity
Tuesday Jan 31
Bell ringer
Review of childhood activities vocabulary
Exprimons-nous phrases for talking about childhood.
Flash Culture
Listening, speaking, and writing practice exercises; p. 196.
Wednesday February 1
Bell ringer
Exprimons-nous phrases: Talking about events that happened in the past.
Reading activity,p. 197.
Workbook practice activities.p.63
Thursday February 2
Bell ringer
Presentation and explanation of the" imparfait" tense.
Practice activities 6and7,pp 198-199 textbook
Friday February 3
Kahoot review of chapter vocabulary
Chapter vocabulary test
Vocabulary puzzle activity
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of January 23-27
Monday Jan 23
Bell activity.
Grammavision video
PPT presentation and explanation of the imperative form of reflexive verbs.
Listening practice
Written activity
Tuesday Jan 24
Bell activity
Presentation of reflexive verbs with infinitines
Oral and written practice exercises
Wednesday Jan 25
Bell activity
General review of language items and grammar of chapter5 part2
Reading comprehension activity.
Thursday Jan 26
Chapter5 vocabulary2 test
Chapter5 grammar2 test
Quizizz routines vocabulary [practice
Friday Jan 27
Bell activity
Reading comprehension: Le retour de la sieste.
Passage explanation and discussion
Comprehension activities
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of January 17-20
Tuesday Jan 17
Bell activity
Tele vocab: Talking about typical school-day activities.
Presentation of vocabulary and phrases
Practice exercises
Wednesday Jan 18
Bell activity
New phrases review
Vocabulary extension
Cultural awareness: Talking about and comparing snacks in France and in the USA
Practice activities
Thursday Jan 19
Bell ringer
Grammavision video
Presentation and explanation of the past tense form of reflexive verbs.
Oral and written practice activities.
Friday Jan 20
Bell ringer
General review of chapter5 vocabulary 2 and phrases
Chapter 5 vocabulary 2 quiz
Vocabulary puzzle
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of January 9-13
Monday Jan 9
Bell ringer
Correction of Jan 6 activities page1
Correction of January 6 activities page 2
Correction of routine vocabulary puzzle
Tuesday Jan 10
Bell ringer
Presentations of s'appeller and se lever in the present.
Listening practice
Written activity
Pairwork communication practice
Wednesday Jan 11
Bell activity
Review of reflexive verbs and the forms of tout.
Practice exercises
Thursday Jan 12
Bell ringer
General review of reflexive verbs and then forms of tout
Chapter 5 language items quiz
Quizzes language practice
Friday Jan 13
Bell ringer
Culture appliquee: La faience de kimper
Reading aloud and passage explanation
Passage oral comprehension activity
Video: La faience de kimper.
Cultural comparison about students' means of transportation to school
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of January 3-6
Tuesday Jan 3
Bell activity
Presentation and explanation of reflexive verbs.
Oral practice
Wrtitten activity.
Wednesday Jan 4
Bell ringer
Review of reflexive verbs
Listening practice
Speaking activity
Thursday, Jan 5
Bell activity
Presentation and explanation of the forms of "tout"
Speaking practice activity.
Written exercise
Friday Jan 6
Bell ringer
Present tense of s'appeler and se lever
Listening activity
Pairwork oral communication practice
Written exercises
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of December 12-16
Monday Dec 12
Bell ringer and correction
Televocab video
Daily routine vocabulary presentation
Practice activities
Tuesday Dec 13
Bell ringer and correction
Exprimons-nius phrases presentation
Oral practice activity
Written practice activity
Wednesday Dec 14
Bell activity and correction
Presentation and explanation of reflexive verbs
Practices exercises
Thursday Dec 15
Bell ringer and correction
General review of daily routine vocabulary and phrases.
Kahoot! practice
Chapter vocabulary quiz
Vocabulary puzzle
Friday Dec 16
Christmas in France video
Christmas vocabulary PPT
Christmas reading comprehension and puzzle
Christmas Kahoot!
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of November 28- December 2
Monday Nov 28
Students will complete various French language items review activities under the supervision of a substitute teacher.
Tuesday Nov 29
Bell activity
Correction of activities assigned on Monday
Review Kahoot: L'ordinateur
Wednesday November 30
Bell activity
Grammavision video
Presentation of depuis, il y a , ca fait...
Listening and writing practice activities
Thursday December 1
Bell ringer
Presentation of the verb Ouvrir
Practice activities
Homework: (graded) Workbook ,p. 48
Friday Dec 2
Bell activity
DELF reading comprehension: Lres parents sont plus attentifs à la scolarité des garçons.
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of November 14-18
Monday Nov 14
Oral presentation of Mo lycee project
Video ( l'enterface de l'ordinateur
PPT presentation of computer vocabulary
Explanation and notes
Oral practice activity.
Tuesday Nov 15
Bell ringer
Computer vocabulary and phrases review.
Oral and written practices exercises.
Wednesday Nov 16
Bell ringer
Flash Culture
Exprimons-nous : Expressing frustrations
Workbook written practice
Thursday Nov 17
Bell activity
Grammavision video
Presentation and explanation of the verb suivre .
Practice activities: Textbook,pgs. 134-135. Exercises 27,28,29.
Friday Nov 18
Bell ringer
Presentation of Thanksgiving vocabulary (PPT)
Reading and passage explanation and discussion.
Written comprehension activity.
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of November 7-11
Monday Nov 7
Bell ringer
School premises and activities project direction and rubric explanation
Rough draft script writing dai1
Tuesday Nov 8
No school ( Election Day)
Wednesday Nov 9
Bell activity
Project rough draft (end)
Beginning of PowerPoint creation
Thuesday Nov 10
End of PowerPoint
Project oral presentation.
Project discussion and feedback
Friday Nov 11
No school ( Veterans' Day)
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of October 31-November 4
Monday Oct 31
Halloween vocabulary
Halloween reading comprehension activity
Halloween vocabulary pizzle
Tuesday Nov 1
Bell activity
Video tutorial
PPT presentation of object pronouns with the passé composéPart1
Practice activities
Wednesday Nov 2
Bell ringer
Object pronouns with passé composé part2
Written practice activities
Thursday Nov 3
Bell ringer
Grammavision presentation of quelqu'un quelque chose, personne, rien
PPT explanation
Oral and written practice activities
Friday Nov 4
Bell activity
General language items review
Quiz Chapter4 Grammar1
Kahoot vocabulary practice.
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of October 24-28
Monday Oct 24
Students will complete various language and vocabulary review activities with a substitute teacher.
Tuesday Oct 25
Bell ringer
Chapter 4 Tele-vocab
Presentation of places in school vocabulary
Speaking practice of new vocabulary
Wednesday Oct 26
Bell ringer
Review of school places in school vocabulary
Presentation of Exprimons-nous French phrases, part1
Listening, speaking and writing practice activities
Thursday Oct 27
Bell activity
Exprimons-nous phrases part2
Flash culture: School system in Quebec
Written communication practice activity
Friday Oct 28
Kahoot! review of places in school vocabulary
Quiz vocabulary 1 of chapter 4
Vocabulary puzzle
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of October 17-21
Moday October 17
Bell activity
Object pronouns me te vous nous presentation
Oral and written practice activities
Tuesday October 18
Bell ringer
Object pronouns le, la les presentation
Oral and written practice activities.
Wednesday October 19
Bell activity
Research class-based project of Louisiana crawfish recipe writing.
Description of when and how crawfish is eaten.
Thursday October 20
Reading and cultural awareness on Quebec part1.
Comprehension activities.
Friday October 21
Reading and cultural awareness in Quebec part2
Comprehension activities.
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of October 3-7
Monday October 7
Bell activity
Tele-vocab presentation of grocery stores
PPT vocabulary presentation
Oral practice activity
Tuesday October 4
Bell ringer
Presentation of supermarket vocabulary
French phrases for grocery shopping
Speaking and writing practice exercises.
Wednesday October 5
Bell activity
Exprimons-nous phrases for asking where things are located in a store
Listening and writing practice activities
Interpersonal pair work activity.
Thursday October 6
Bell ringer.
Flash culture reading and discussion
Grammavision video
PPT presentation of the pronoun "en"
Practice activities
Friday October 7
General review of chapter 3 vocabulary 2: Kahoot!
Quiz Chapter3 vocabulary2
Vocabulary puzzle
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of September 26-30
Monday September 26
Bell activity
Presentation of French partitive articles
Speaking and listening activities
Written practice
Communication: Talking about a grocery list
Tuesday September 27
Bell ringer
Presentation and explanation of the use of the pronoun "Y".
Oral and written practice activities: exercises 13,14, 15 on pages 88-89.
Wednesday September 28
Bell ringer
Review and practice of the pronoun Y
Communication activity: Le menu du lycee Hugo.
Review Kahoot! Partitives articles.
Thursday September 29
Bell activity
Reading comprehension : Le sirop d'erable.
Students listening and reading aloud
Oral comprehension questions
Mapple sirop candy recipe writing
Friday September 30
Bell ringer
Grocery vocabulary review
Vocabulary quiz
Reading: Le couscous
Written comprehension activity
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of September 19-23
Monday September 19
Bell ringer
Tele -vocab video on grocery shopping
Grocery vocabulary presentation
Tuesday September 20
Bell activity
Fruit and kitchen items vocabulary presentation
Speaking and written practice activities
Wednesday September 21
Bell activity
Exprimons-nous food preparation phrases presentation
Speaking written practice activities.
Thursday September 22
Bell ringer
Presentation of partitives
Written and listening practice activities
Friday September 23
Bell ringer
Speaking practice: "Madame Lionet fait les courses".
Communication activity: Interviews.
Vocabulary quiz
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of September 12-16
Monday September12
Bell activity
French Impersonal expressions PPT presentation
Practice activities
Tuesday September 13
Bell ringer
French impersonal expressions review.
Practice activity1
Practice activity 2
Wednesday September 14
Belll ringer
Reading:8 good reasons to learn another language
Explanation and discussion
Comprehension activity
Thursday September 15
Bell ringer
Ten good reasons to learn French Part1
Explanation and discussion
Written comprehension activity
Friday September 16
Bell activity.
10 good reasons to learn French part2
Explanation and discussion
Comprehension activity
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of September 6-9
Tuesday September 6
Bell activity
Review and practice written activity of beau, nouveau vieux.
Presentational (speaking activity)
Wednesday September 7
Bell activity.
Grammavision tutorial video of the Imperative
PPT presentation of the imperative
Practice activities.
Thursday September 8
Bell ringer
Review and practice activities of the imperative
Kahoot! The imperative
Friday September 9
Bell activity.
DELF reading comprehension practice: Le mariage le grand retour part2
Summary writing practice
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of August 29-September 2
Monday August 29
DCA pre-test Day1
Language review Kahoot!
Tuesday August 30
DCA pre-test day2
Language review Kahoot!
Wednesday August 31
Bell activity
French adjectives agreement.
Oral and written practice
Thursday September 1
Bell activity
Irregular French adjectives beau nouveau vieux.
Practice activities
Friday August 2
Bell ringer
DELF reading comprehension practice
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of August 22-26
Monday August 22
Bell activity
Video presentation of formal and informal greetings
Presentation of Thank you words and phrases
Oral pair work practice activity
Tuesday August 23
Bell ringer
Presentation of courtesy words and expressions.
Using courtesy words in a dialogue
Wednesday August 24
Bell activity
Expressions for making introductions.
Pair work on dialogue creation.
Thursday August 25
Bell Activity
Grammavision presentation of Etre and Avoir
PPT presentation
Oral practice
Written practice
Friday August 26
Bell ringer
Reading1 "Je m'appelle Carole"
Reading2 "Salut"
L'arbre genealogique de Napoleon.
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of August 15-19
Monday August 15
Classroom rules and expectations discussion
Back to school review activities
Tuesday August 16
Classroom routines and procedures discussion
Back to school review activities
Wednesday August 17
Discussion on how to create a good learning environment.
Back to school review activities
Thursday August 18
Presentation of the 8th grade FrenchII Immersion curriculum.
Back to school review activities.
Friday, August 19
Back to school review activities.
Review quiz.
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of April 11-14
Monday April 11
La deportation Part1 : video
La deportation part1 :reading and passage explanation)
La deportation part1: Oral comprehension and discussion.
Tuesday April 12
La deportation part2: reading and explanation
Oral comprehension and discussion
Written assigment
Wednesday April 13
La Pennsylvanie: Reading and explanation
La Caroline du Sud: Reading and explanation
Oral comprehension and discussion
Written comprehension.
Thursday April 14
La Louisiane: Reading and explanation
Oral comprehension and discussion
Vocabulary practice activity
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of April 4-8
Monday April 4
Students will complete various French language and vocabulary activities with the supervision of a substitute teacher.
Tuesday April 5
Au quotidien:
Written comprehension activity
Chapter vocabulary practice activity.
Wednesday April 6
Bell activity
La vie avant la deportation part1
Reading and passage explanation
Oral comprehension and discussion
written activity
Thursday April 7
Bell ringer.
La vie avant la deportation part2
Reading and passage explanation
Oral comprehension and discussion
Written activity.
Friday April 8
La deportation:
Reading aloud and passage explanation.
Oral comprehension and discussion
chapter vocabulary practice activity
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Week of March 28 - April 1
Monday March 28
Bell ringer
Les premiers pionniers français en Acadie:
Reading and explanation
Oral questions and discussion
Written comprehension
Tuesday March 29
Bell activity
Les aboiteaux part1.
Reading and passage explanation.
Oral questions and discussion
Wednesday March 30
Bell ringer
Les aboiteaux part2
Explanation PPT
Passage reading
Oral questions and discussion
Written comprehension
Thursday March 31
Bell activity
Au quotidien:
Reading and passage explanation
Oral questions and discussion
Written vocabulary activity
Friday April 1
Bell ringer
La vie avant la déportation.
Reading and passage explanation
Oral questions and discussion
Vocabulary activity.
Written comprehension
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1) more