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Mrs Caldarera s Classes

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Computer Enrichment 

In Computer Enrichment you will become knowledgeable in many areas.  We will work with many programs such as Microsoft 365, as well as educational software/sites for computer programming, and much more!  

Supplies Needed: $5 supply fee, ear buds & agenda 


Tech Team/Computer Science 

In Tech Team/Computer Science we will learn about computer programming languages.  By the end of the year you will be able to program a circuit board by writing code.  You'll be learning a few new languages, which will be challenging yet rewarding! 

Supplies needed: $5 supply fee, ear buds & agenda 



In Introduction to Business and Computer Applications (IBCA) you will become familiar with correct hand placement while typing, and your typing speed and accuracy will improve as the year progresses.  We will also work with Microsoft Word.  Meeting requirements in this class will earn you a high school credit!  

Supplies needed: Ear buds & agenda 



Mrs. Caldarera's Classes

Class Info