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Ms. Boudreaux

Ms. Boudreaux's Classroom Procedures and Expectations

Classroom Procedures and Expectations.pptx 1.58 MB (Last Modified on August 17, 2022) INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)



Go to our class Canvas Page!

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On canvas you will find a detailed agenda of our classroom activites and lessons including work missed.

If you miss an assignment, you will have 3 days from your last date of absence to turn in/make up the work.

If you miss a test, get with me to schedule a make-up time.

Weekly Agenda

Week of 3/6 - 3/10

Monday: Intro to Chapter 13; Chapter 13 Vocabulary Review

Tuesday: Chapter 12 and 13 Timeline

Wednesday: Jim Crow Discussion and Worksheet

Thursday: Oil Discovered in Louisiana

Friday: Bell Ringers Due; Review Oil In Louisiana Worksheet

Week of 3/13 - 3/17

Monday: No School-- Teacher In-Service

Tuesday: Flood of 1927 Split-Page Notes-- Highlight information in source

Wednesday: Breaking down constructed response prompts; review an extended response question

Thursday: Intro to Huey Long

Friday: Chapter 13 Section 1 Notes on Canvas; Huey Long Practice Quiziz

Week of 3/27 - 3/31

Chapter 13 Test: Friday, March 31st

Monday: Finish Section 3 Notes; Huey Long Study Guide

Tuesday: Huey Long Movie; follow-along worksheet

Wednesday: Huey Long Movie; follow-along worksheet

Thursday: Huey Long Movie; Extra Point Opportunity- Chapter 13 Review Quiziz

Friday: Chapter 13 Test

Week of 4/3 - 4/7

Monday: Review Chapter 14 Vocabulary Terms; Begin Extended Response Task- RACE Strategy Worksheet due Thursday

Tuesday: Finish RACE Strategy Worksheet; Begin Rough Draft-- HOMEWORK IF NOT FINISHED WITH ROUGH DRAFT IN CLASS

Wednesday: Peer-Review Rough Draft; Begin Final Draft

Thursday: Submit Final Draft by the end of the class period; Begin Chapter 14 Guided Reading

Friday: No School-- Good Friday

Week of 4/17 - 4/21

Monday: Practice LEAP Test 6 on Edulastic; Finish and TURN IN Final Draft and RACE Strategy Worksheet; Chapter 14 Guided Reading  

Tuesday: Chapter 14 Guided Reading DUE; LEAP Practice Test 7 on Edulastic; Work with partner on Post-Long Governors Chart

Wednesday: Intro to Higgins Boats Writing Assignment-- Due Tuesday, April 25th

Thursday: Higgins Boats Writing Assignment

Friday: Bell Ringers Week 19 Due; Civil Rights Lesson-- Ruby Bridges, Rosa Parks, Civil Rights Acts

Week of 4/24 - 4/28

Monday: LEAP Review Quiziz Class Competition 

Tuesday: LEAP Review Presentation; Higgins Boats Writing Assignment DUE

Wednesday: LEAP Review Presentation

Thursday: LEAP Review Presentation; Sources and Written Questions

Friday: Intro to Louisiana Product Assignment; Missing Assignments