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call of the wild
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)The CWT is due on Friday, March 24.
I will assign all the lessons related to the CWT on LearnZillion.
The lessons are 30-33.
The final draft is the only thing that will be graded. It is due on Friday, March 24.
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1) INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Tuesday: Literature Circle on "The Tale-Tale Heart"
Wednesday: Socratic Seminar Preparation
Thursday: AR Due.....Socratic Seminar
Friday: LEAP Practice/Review/ iReady/AR
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Monday: Section 5 Quiz, open book and open note on "The Tell-Tale Heart"
Beginning on Monday through the end of the week on Friday, students will do an entire practice LEAP test for ELA. Both the quiz and practice LEAP are going to be graded for correctness.
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Monday: Practice Cold Read Quiz, Multiple Choice and Essay on Edulastic: Lessons 16 and 17
Tuesday: Lesson 18 Narrative Structure of "Ransom of Red Chief"
Wednesday: Lesson 19 : Rewriting "Ransom of Red Chief" from a different point of view
Thursday and Friday: "Tale-Tell Heart" Read and Summarize. Discuss Narrative Structure
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1) INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Monday-Wednesday: Lesson 12-13 Literary Circle Discussion on the novel Nothing But the Truth
Thursday-Friday: "The Ransom of Red Chief" Lessons 14-16
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Monday: Review and Quiz for "Allegory of the Cave"
Tuesday: Lesson 9 "Story Truth and Happening Truth"
Wednesday and Thursday Lesson 10-11 Narrative Point of View
Friday: iReady/AR
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INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1) INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Monday-Thursday: Lessons 5-8 of the 3rd unit "The Tell Tale Heart"
Students will read Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" and use the text to find incidences of "perception", "truth" and "reality" and relate these to the text and other texts in the unit
Friday: Section Quiz/ iReady
Please continue to read AR. It's due March 9.
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)This week we will continue to read and finish Nothing But the Truth by Avi.
After each daily reading assignment, we will discuss how unit terms such "truth", "perception" and "reality" relate to events of the novel
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INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Please continue to read AR. AR for the 3rd Quarter is due March 9, 2023. The goal for all students is 14 points.
Tuesday: Practice LEAP Test.
Wednesday-Friday: Culminating Writing Task
We find relevent evidence, then draft and finally edit and refine and produce a final draft.
Monday, January 9: Sugar Cold Read Multiple Choice Questions
Tuesday, January 10: Introduce new unit; Begin reading the unit novel as a class via audiobook.
Wednesday-Friday: Read audiobook 30 minutes a day then, Lessons dealing with "The Allegory of the Cave"
Resources for Culminating Writing Task:
Student Copy of Culminating Writing Task
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1) INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1) INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Monday: SLT Pre and Post Quizzes; iReady
Tuesday: No School
Wednesday and Thursday: Lessons 5-8 of Sugar
Friday: No Sugar
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Cumulative Writing Task Examples
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Monday: Deduce the theme of "Flowers for Algernon" Lesson 25
Tuesday: Compare Charlie and Dr. Frankensein's Monster Lesson 26
Wednesday: Compare the structure of "Flowers for Algernon" to Chapter 13 of Frankenstein Lesson 27
Thursday: Prepare for a Socratic Seminar Lesson 28
Friday: Socratic Seminar Lesson 29
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Monday: Compare the Structure of both "Flowers for Algernon" and the Chapter 4 excerpt of Frankenstein. Lesson 20
Tuesday: Quiz over Lessons 16-20; Lesson 21 write a progress report from the perspective of another character
Wednesday: Lesson 22 and 23 Practice Cold Read Quiz. 5 multiple choice questions and one constructed response
Thursday:Lesson 24 and 25 Complete Flowers for Algernon and deduce a theme of the text
Friday:Lesson 26: Compare Charlie to Frankenstein's Monster and Compare structure of Chapter 13 of Frankenstein to Flowers for Algernon
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Monday: Quiz over Lessons 11-15 LearnZillion
Tuesday: Lesson 16 Analyze Character Development in Flowers for Algernon
Wednesday: Summarize Frankenstein Lesson 17
Thursday: Lesson 18 Understanding Frankenstein's motivations
Friday: Lesson 19: Analyze Language to Understand Tone and Meaning
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Monday: No school
Tuesday: Lesson 11: Flowers for Algernon Progress Report 4-8. Examining how Charlie changed after surgery
Wednesday: Lesson 12: What is intelligence?
Thursday: Lesson 13: How does structure impact plot and character development?
Friday: There will be a sub due to drill. There will be a writing assignment or iReady work to do.
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)Monday: Lesson 9 Apply knowledge from the "Inkblot" article to "Flowers for Algernon"
Tuesday: Lesson 10 Revise a written response to a claim from a literary text
Wednesday: Quiz over Lessons 5-10. Review during the 1st half/ quiz in the 2nd half
Thursday: Lesson 11: How has Charlie changed?
Friday: Lesson 12: What is intelligence?
INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)If you are not here for the quiz, it is your responsibility to make it up before school or after school by August 29, 2022
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