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     The Moss Bluff Middle School Instrumental Music program is composed of four bands: sixth grade, seventh grade, eighth grade and a combination seventh and eighth grade Symphonic Band.

     The band enjoys performing for many of the school programs.  These include: Christmas concerts for the students and parents, Honor's Day assemblies, and spring band concerts.

     Band members may take part in the McNeese State University Band Clinic Band, District V Band Director's Junior High Contraband, and Buccaneer Band, District V Solo and Ensemble Festival held each year at McNeese.

     The Symphonic Band and the Eighth Grade Band annually compete with other middle school bands in the District V Music Festival held each Spring at McNeese State University.

     The main objectives of the department are the learning, appreciation and performance of the middle school band literature.  This is obtained by hard work, self-discipline, and participation in many various events.

     A student may not change their schedule after the first six-weeks.  A student may not enter band after the first six weeks unless he/she is a newly registered student.